Who Do You Say That I Am

“Identity is the tangible expression of your faith. Identity does not come from striving; it comes as a result of surrender.”

Who do you say that I am? 

As Peter expressed his revelation of who Jesus was, it became a defining moment in their relationship and Peter’s life. 

When we answer Jesus’ question, “who do you say that I am?” it is our opportunity to articulate and express our personal revelation of who Jesus is. 

Not what other people have told us – no church, pastor, spouse, or friend can implant us with their revelation of who Jesus is. To answer the question, “who do you say that I am?” is to challenge ourselves to come to a place of knowing – until we can speak PERSONALLY of who Jesus is. 

There is no more important question in our lives, and to answer from INTIMACY enables us to hear Him speak IDENTITY over usIn that safety of love and relationship, we can, in turn, ask Him, “who do you say that I am?” 

As Peter had the revelation of who Jesus was, Jesus immediately spoke identity, direction, and calling over Peter’s life. 

It was an exchange that we cannot misunderstand. Peter didn’t declare that revelation to get anything. He was simply expressing who he experienced and knew Jesus to be. But something in the honesty and truth that Peter captured was like a tumbler in a lock that clicked open and allowed Jesus to speak to a fertile heart that received the seed of identity and purpose. 

In the same way, when we come to Jesus, not for anything, but because we’re invited to know and see Him, it unlocks divine moments where our hearts expand, our walls retract, and God can speak identity over us. 

Practice this today! Take 5 minutes with your journal and free-write a love letter to Jesus answering His question to you, “who do you say that I am?” 

Then, ask Him the question, “who do you say that I am?” Keep your journal out and open your mind to what He wants to speak over you today – Identity, value, and purpose.

Allow what He says to be seeds planted in your soul and nurtured by His presence in these moments. Remember, anything He speaks, He is faithful to bring about. Identity isn’t about pressure; it’s about promise that awakens in a life postured in His PRESENCE. His presence nurtures the seeds of promise that He speaks into your life.

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