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The Song of Your Season

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:6-8

Hello Living Waters Family, 

“Even in the battle, You are with me
I will not be broken in the fight
You will go before me and behind me
You’ll never let me go, You’ll never let me go”

This bridge came from the song, “You Won’t Let Go”, by Cory Asbury, has been running through my head since this past Sunday when the worship team led us in worship.  If you have read any of my newsletter posts, you will see that I often quote a song that is impacting my heart in that season.  I can’t help but share the words I am singing and that are ringing through my head.  

There is something so powerful that happens when we sing and declare the truth of who Jesus is and what He is doing.  Have you noticed that something in our heart shifts when we worship?  First, we are connecting our hearts with His!  Second, we are declaring truth where often our heart needs to hear it.   

When we sang this bridge on Sunday, I was in my kitchen making breakfast and it brought me to tears.  I gripped the counter and sang out super loud as the tears were gushing from my eyes.  Many of us are all facing some really heavy and painful things these days, but He will never let you go and or have you do it on your own.  My heart caught these lyrics as I was feeling the heaviness of this season.  As I declared those words in our worship time with all of you, I felt the Lord lift the heaviness.   It was amazing…..I started to feel hopeful after that moment and I felt encouraged even when things haven’t really changed around me.  It was a huge shift!  

What song are you singing these days?  What are you declaring as you connect your heart with the Lord?  I would challenge each one of you in this season to find a worship song for your season and belt it out often!  Align your heart with His and be comforted by the connection you are making with Him.  Let’s allow the Lord to fill us with hope in exchange for anything else we are carrying these days.  

I look forward to sharing with you guys some hopeful stories this coming Sunday as we move forward in our Acts series.  I will be teaching out of Acts 9 and talking about the crazy conversion of Saul as he encounters Jesus.  I promise you that we will all be leaving the gathering filled with hope!  

See you Sunday!


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