Community Life Groups

As much as we love gathering everybody together for a Sunday morning of worship, Spirit led ministry and teaching, there is something powerfully unique about an intimate gathering around a dining room table, in a coffee shop, on a hiking trail, or while serving those in need around us. 

What is community Life Groups?

COMMUNITY LIFE GROUPS is designed to empower you to build community into the core of your life. You are invited to surround yourself with people, grow and learn and risk knowing and being known. It is a pathway – an opportunity – to create Christ-centered, Spirit led, healthy community in your life. The kind of community that inspires creativity, growth, depth and an outward focus that brings heaven to earth in real ways that impact our cities and region.

We believe it is impossible to overstate the willingness of God to empower you to demonstrate His love, share His Gospel of reconciliation, and to walk a supernatural “spirit-filled” life. We are better together, and together, anything is possible.

We are better together, and together, anything is possible.

As much as we love gathering everybody together for a Sunday morning of worship, Spirit led ministry and teaching, there is something powerfully unique about an intimate gathering around a dining room table, in a coffee shop, on a hiking trail, or while serving those in need around us. 

God’s plan for us has always been to invite us into healthy family and spirit-filled community. 

In the early days of the church, the Gospel of Jesus Christ created a bond, a commonality that exploded when the Holy Spirit was poured out, resulting in a depth of community and unity never before experienced on the face of the earth.

Jesus created a people set aside for himself, and when we live in that depth of community with other believers, we become a target where heaven comes to earth tangibly, effectively, and powerfully.

As much as we love gathering everybody together for a Sunday morning to worship, Spirit-led ministry and teaching, there is something powerfully unique about an intimate gathering around a dining room table, a coffee shop, a hiking trail, or serving those in need around us. 

Heart &

Service &

Affinity &

God’s plan for us has always been to invite us into healthy family and Spirit-filled community. 


Walls are torn down between people, classes, lifestyles, and diverse groups, and people are drawn together as one tribe of Jesus followers. (Acts 2:44/4:32) In Christ, we are made new, and while we remain unique in how He created each of us as a reflection of His creativity, we become one Spirit-filled, Spirit-led community where division is destroyed and the power of unity (one heart and mind) is unleashed. 


“Me and mine” disappear (Acts 4). The early followers of Jesus shared everything they had and gladly took care of one another.  Yes, they sold their possessions and gave the proceeds to those in need, but the heart of this isn’t just about stuff, it is a heart attitude and life posture of being willing to give our best to see God’s best come to life in others.


We live within a sense of awe because our eyes, ears and hearts are constantly challenged to be open to what Holy Spirit is doing (Acts 4:43). The early followers of Jesus sensed they were a part of something bigger than themselves, and were willing to adjust their lives to capture the moment to the fullest.  Awe and wonder drove them together, while simultaneously advancing the Kingdom, and growing the Church.

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