We Are 5 Days Away From Camp

We are 5 days from camp!   Here is another list of details to help you and your child prepare for camp.

Arrival time at Living Waters is between 9 and 9:15am.  Please be on time as our bus is chartered and set to leave at 10am.  

The camp packing list is at this link: https://lwrv.org/resources/church-and-ministry/youth/important-update/

Some items of note.  As mentioned in the video linked above, we will be doing a “distraction free” camp, we will be having students leave thier phones with you at home.   We would request that this process is completed at home before arriving, if a student decides to bring a device along with them, we will kindly have them store it in our “phone zone” lock box for safe keeping.  Thank you for your support on this.

Bring a sack lunch for the bus ride up, special note on drink container, please make sure it has a lid and not a pop top type can (this can be problematic on a bus)

For the bus ride home we will be providing food for the students.  We should be home back at LW around 3:30 (we will keep everyone posted via text blast)

Concerning room assignments, we will share these with campers once we arrive at camp. We have made every effort to help facilitate good connection with friends/and or family.  

The camp director team is doing something fun this year and splitting all the churches attending into combined teams, so your child will be with some of the Living Waters crew and part with other churches as well.  This will be a fun way to meet new people during the activity portion of the camp (the remaining time they will likely be with their cabin crew).  We will directly text you with your child’s team color so if they want to sport those colors doing the games they can bring a shirt of outfit to match, we will be providing bandannas for each color as well.

This is a long camp, we will have tons of activity and fun, but it does have structure to the schedule.  Knowing that our campers are coming from the flexible sleeping times of summer 😉 we would ask that you take a few day prior to camp and work to acclimate your child to a 8am wake up time and get lots of sleep in the night.   We found this was a hard transition for some students last year so we thought it would be good for some preparation ahead of time.

You should have received an important consent form via email from Foursquare Brushfire registration.  This is an important piece of documentation that will give your student access to camp, without it they will not be allowed to attend (the camp has some strict rules on this).   They have outlined the general contact fields to fill out and the signature spots.  This can be done electronically and emailed to me an**@lw**.org/resources or text 541-326-6477

Here is the link for the consent form if you have not received it via email. IMPORTANT – once you open this file first “make a copy” – once you fill it out choose save as and put your child’s last name then first name in the file name. If you have siblings – simply make a copy again and repeat the process changing the name each time.

Lastly, if your child has medication, vitamins or supplements that they need to take during camp there is a specific process for checking this in.   You can save some time by using this google form.

Or plan on taking some time during check in on weds.   Please provide medication in original container (no pill organizers etc.) in a gallon ziplock with your child’s name clearly written on the front. 

Well, I’m sure there will a few questions we missed so feel free to contact me.   We are all looking forward to the wonderful trip to camp together.  What an opportunity!


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