Spiritual formation happens in the context of community.

Just as the body of Christ functions as one, each part distinct yet interconnected, our spiritual growth flourishes when we are rooted in meaningful connections, sharing life, worship, and purpose with others. Community becomes the space where we practice grace, receive encouragement, and are transformed into the likeness of Christ together.

Pathways of discipleship.

Show Up

Just come as you are—no pressure, no expectations.

Grow Up

Take intentional steps to grow in your faith and character.

Rise Up

Step into serving and leading to make a lasting impact.


A ministry of encounter and transformation, leading people into freedom and intimacy with God through Spirit-led worship and the power of His presence.

Sunday Mornings

Worship sets are planned to align with the message, creating seamless transitions and fostering a Spirit-led environment during our gathering.



A vibrant, Christ-centered ministry where children learn about Jesus’ love, grow in faith, and worship alongside their families in a joyful community.

Check-In Process

Children must be checked in at the Kids Check-in Desk located in the main lobby before heading to their classrooms.

Sunday Schedule:

Nursery and pre-K children go directly to their classrooms, while grades 1-5 join their families for worship in the Great Room before being dismissed to their classes.

Receive Updates

Text “KIDS” to 541-982-4576 to receive updates about our Kid’s Ministry.


We want to see middle and high school students discover their identity in Jesus, learning to follow His voice as He says “come follow me.” We want our youth to know Jesus and experience his immense love for them.

Connects Bi-Monthly

Our youth group holds a bimonthly small group gathering on Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8:30PM.

Middle School Youth Group

Additionally, our middle school meets after every Sunday after worship.

Receive Updates

Text “YOUTH” to 541-982-4576 to receive updates about our Youth Ministry.


Young Adults

We are passionate about cultivating an environment of fun and connection where we can grow in our love of Jesus together.

Connects Bi-Monthly

Our Young Adults at Living Waters holds a bimonthly small group gathering on Monday Nights from 6:30-8:30PM.

Only Men at this Moment (18-28)

We want to cultivate a Christ-centered community where young men grow in faith and build relationships that inspire spiritual and personal growth.

Receive Updates

Text “LWYA” to 541-982-4576 to receive updates about our Young Adults Ministry.


We have dedicated our time to breaking down barriers that prevent women from connecting with one another. We work to create an environment where ladies feel safe to express their true selves without the fear of rejection, judgment, or gossip.

Quarterly Gatherings

Throughout the year, we hold ladies’ gatherings once a quarter.

Spring and Fall Retreat

These retreats provide an opportunity to spend a weekend away with other women, allowing the Lord to meet us personally.

Discipleship Groups

We have built several groups and time slots throughout the week. The groups are currently in session.

Receive Updates

Text “LADIES” to 541-982-4576 to receive updates about our Ladies Ministry.



A community of men committed to growing in faith, sharpening one another, and walking in the fullness of our identity in Christ. Together, we cultivate accountability, leadership, and purpose as we learn to lead ourselves, our families, and our communities with integrity and strength.

Bi-Monthly Gatherings

Throughout the year, we hold men’s gatherings every other month.

Discipleship Groups

We have built several groups and time slots throughout the week. The groups are currently in session.

Receive Updates

Text “MEN” to 541-982-4576 to receive updates about our Men’s Ministry.

Let's bring the kingdom, together

Partner with us to awaken the Rogue Valley to the Kingdom of God—bringing healing, restoration, and purpose. Together, let’s make our city look like heaven on earth.