What do you look like fully alive in Jesus?
Our heart is that you would experience deep intimacy with God through Holy Spirit, fully express your identity in Christ, and live empowered in your inheritance from the Father.
Sundays, 10:00am
360 E. Jackson St.
Medford, OR 97501

Welcome to Living Waters Church
A New Covenant People
In Christ, God is creating “one new humanity,” diverse yet united. Christ has become our peace removing any dividing wall of hostility.
A Kingdom Embassy
Raising and sending out ambassadors demonstrate the Kingdom, and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our city and region.
A Religious Detox Center
Where those who have been overly churched, disengaged, disenfranchised, or deeply wounded can heal, find hope and joy restored, and return their yes to Jesus.
You Fully Alive in Jesus
Be with Jesus. Become Like Jesus. Do as He Did.
Our Sundays are a celebration of all that God is and all that he’s doing in and through us.
We invite you to further your connection with us by getting involved in our ministries.
One of the a great way to participate in what we are doing is by joining one of our events.
Become Who You
Were Created to Be
Spiritual formation is the transformative process of aligning our inner life with the character and way of Jesus. Through intentional practices, meaningful community, and dependence on the Holy Spirit, it shapes our heart, mind, and actions, enabling us to live fully as the person God designed us to be.
In a world that is counter to our growth into Christ-likeness, we must become aware of what is conforming or deforming us.
God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have brought us into their intimacy and family. From their love and wisdom, we build healthy families and communities.
90-Day Devotional
Let's bring the kingdom, together
Partner with us to awaken the Rogue Valley to the Kingdom of God—bringing healing, restoration, and purpose. Together, let’s make our city look like heaven on earth.