Still, Life

You are who your Father sees, who He created you to be. You are unlike any other, and all creation waits for you to be revealed in your true form – abiding in intimacy, awake to your identity, and accessing your inheritance – fully alive in Christ.

Ryan Rhoden · October 28, 2020

Jesus is King on the throne over all things, and our desire is that the reign of Jesus would become the experiential reality of your life. By walking with Christ, your life is to be an external manifestation of the internal transformation that being filled with the Spirit of the living God brings.

Your life surrendered and submitted to Christ is full of Kingdom resources you are to spend bringing heaven to earth, loving and reaching the lost, and changing the world around you. Our heart is that you would learn to live with the knowledge that all of heaven is behind you! It’s time to release what has been received!

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 97 Topics