The Digital Fast 2025
We’re inviting our church community to embark on a transformative 28-day journey called The Digital... View more
Idol of Productivity
Idol of Productivity
Our digitally driven and achievement-oriented culture often turns humans into instruments, time into a hoarded resource, and productivity into a false god. Felicia Wu Song, author and professor of sociology at Westmont College, advises us to train ourselves to live in the presence of God which fosters a mindset of abundance and freedom.
Watch Felicia’s talk and create conversations around the following:
- How have your smartphone and other digital devices made you more productive?
- What is your view of yourself or others when you’re unproductive?
- What is God’s view of productivity?
- Felicia shares this thought by Richard Foster: “In contemporary society, our Adversary [the devil] majors in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds. If he can keep us engaged in muchness and ‘manyness’ he will rest satisfied.” How satisfied do you think the Adversary is when he looks at your life?
- What are some ways this week you could replace your multitasking and hypertasking with monotasking?
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