Are you weary?

Advent Reading

As we enter the Christmas season, do you feel physically or mentally exhausted, strained to the breaking point, or fatigued?

Grief and disappointment have been unwanted visitors to all our lives. Have you been isolated from those you love or endured financial loss? Maybe you’ve lost a home, a job, a business, had to let go of a dream, or seen relationships strained and friendships fractured?

We can all relate in some way. But instead of feeling guilty for wanting to skip Christmas this year, let’s acknowledge the very real darkness that has settled around us.

Scripture tells us, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things…” (Phil. 4:8). The message being, fix your thoughts on things that LIFT you, instead of that which pulls you down.

But the first thing we’re encouraged to fix our thoughts on is vital to note: “Whatever is TRUE.” In times like these, the pathway forward is determined by where our hearts are oriented – beginning with steps of honesty, transparency, and humility. It’s TRUE that we are struggling with our current reality.

Let’s admit it, own it, embrace where we are, and invite God to meet us there.

Advent Activation

Today’s Advent Activation is a challenge to take account of what has wearied you recently. Ask God to show you WHERE you are weary and WHY you are weary.

While we won’t remain fixated on these in the days ahead, I believe it’s essential that we acknowledge the places our hope has worn thin, and our spiritual fervor has dimmed, and to share those with someone, like Andy, Andrea, and Niesje modeled so well for us yesterday!

In the comments, or privately in an email (fe******@lw**.org/resources), or to a trusted person in your life, share the answer to the question we asked yesterday in our Advent conversation, “where are you weary?”

Risk transparency and you will reap opportunities for connection and restoration in the days ahead as we continue this journey together!

If you missed the first episode of our Advent series, watch it here!

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