The God Who Laments

When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs.The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.- Psalm 84:6

Hi Church,

Today, I get to share a word of encouragement.

A few years ago I was going through an emotional roller coaster. I was feeling all kinds of emotion; from disappointment to sadness, heartache to anger, bitterness to hopelessness. It was an emotional storm that I didn’t know how to get out of. And then I heard the Lord speak. He said,

“Even, I your God, laments.”

He took me to the book of Hosea. This book showed me the different emotions God was going through in regards to his relationship with Israel.

God was full of grief and sorrow. He was frustrated, felt cheated, betrayed, abandoned so much so that He wanted to divorce them. God knew exactly what He was feeling and He was letting them know. But despite what He was feeling, He didn’t let his emotions dictation his actions. Instead he said, “And I will make you my bride forever. I will make you my bride with goodness and justice and with love and mercy. I will make you my faithful bride.” What a promise!

I was going through one of the greatest moments of heartache in my life and the Lord revealed Himself as one who is not afraid of brokenness. It was the most comforting and uplifting thing He’s ever spoken to me.

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