A Handwritten Letter From God

Faithful Prayers!

I am hopeful all of you received the text Ryan and Kate sent with the update on July finances.  In case you somehow did not get that message and you are reading this, here’s the bottom line…we have 6 days left in July and our giving is at $17,00, which is $20,000 below our monthly budge of $37,000.  

How can we pray?

First, pray as Holy Spirit is leading you.  When these numbers sink in, recognize the impact they have, and then ask Holy Spirit to guide you in a prayer of response.  The prayers of our own hearts and experiences are unique and beautiful.  God loves to have this time with us, and your personal interaction with him will bring forth prayers different from our cooperate prayer, essential to each one of our personal growth as well as the impact it makes for our house.

Second, join together with this team in specifically praying for God to meet this need.  

When we studied Galatians, I was drawn to a phrase in the last chapter.  

“See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand!” Galatians 6:11 

Paul wrote many letters, but usually through a scribe.  He would speak and the scribe would write it all down.  There’s a lot of opinion as to why Paul wrote this particular section himself, or why his writing was so large, but he physically wrote it and that was remarkable.  

We long for that same expression from God!  The Galatians knew it was always Paul’s words, just like we always know it is God’s provision behind every financial contribution.  Every word recorded was valuable to the Galatians just as every dollar amount given is valuable to us.

Something was sacred about knowing Paul was the one who grabbed the ink and with his own hand, wrote to the people he loved.  They wanted to see his handwriting and know the letter had actually been in his hands.  We have the same desire.  We want to see God’s specific response to our finances.  A well run budget that balances every month or at the end of a year is a miracle and it’s certainly by God’s power it happens.  But, there’s something about a specific number being needed, prayed for, and met that feels like God saying to us, “See how I did this with my own hand!”

As a Prayer Team, let’s bind together in praying for the opportunity to witness the affection of receiving a handwritten letter from God in our finances this month.  It is evidence of him in our midst, paying attention to our exact needs, and responding to us personally in a way we will know by his signature, it was for sure our God who loves us.  

Praying with you, 

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