Be with Jesus and Become like Him for the sake of the world!

In John 10:10, Jesus told us that while we may have an enemy who wants to “steal, kill and destroy,” He came to “give life to the fullest, abundant and overflowing!” His heart is that you and I would be “fully alive,” in His infinite, resurrection life that springs from the everlasting well of God — right now and into eternity.

As a church community, we set aside the first 12 Sundays of each year to explore what we believe are the three
foundations of a “full life” in Christ.

  1. Our INTIMACY with God through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
  2. Our new IDENTITY through the resurrection life of Jesus Christ.
  3. The INHERITANCE we carry and release because we are reconciled to our Good Father.

St. Irenaeus of Lyons was an early church leader near the end of the second century. One of his writings speaks right to the heart of this vision: “The glory of God is man (human) fully alive. If the revelation of God through creation already brings life to all living beings on the earth, how much more will the manifestation of the Father by the Word bring life to those who see God?”

Intimacy is the root of your life in Christ. It is this connection to the source of life from which everything else grows. Daily, you will be allowing the roots of your life and love to stretch into the depths of God’s presence. That love that is abundantly available to you. New life, new daily habits, and new goals start right now.

When intimacy is the root, identity becomes the visible and internal structure of your life. A tree that grows from healthy roots. Who you believe you are will determine how you think about yourself and consequently, how you interact with others. You may struggle to take hold of the reality of being made perfectly new, entirely whole, completely righteous and lacking nothing through Jesus. We pray that struggle ends now! God desires that you would grow to full stature and maturity in your identity, knowing and living out who and Whose you are.

Finally, inheritance is the fruit that comes from a life connected to God. Your inheritance is God within you, and all of heaven backing you. It is the reality you carry that enables you to influence and change the world. You have an inheritance because you have a Good Father. Your life displays gifts and fruit that are a tangible expression of the reality that exists within you based on your intimacy with Holy Spirit and identity in Christ.

We pray that this book is a powerful tool to explore the new and full life that is yours in Christ. A daily journey into INTIMACY with Holy Spirit, IDENTITY imparted to you in Christ and the full INHERITANCE that comes from being a child of our perfect “Heavenly Father.”

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
