Eliminate Hurry This Advent Season

Living Waters Rogue Valley · December 5, 2023

Each Sunday and the corresponding week in this Advent season, we have a specific focus to help prepare our hearts to “receive” Jesus into our homes and hearts on Christmas as we honor and celebrate His birth.

The process of preparation is to slow down, remain focused on Jesus in the middle of a hectic season, and fight the urge to get spun up or spun out by consistently and persistently returning to prayer and scripture each day.

As a church, we are committing to the “Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” this Christmas season. Having just completed our “A Call to Prayer” series, we hope to continue “Redigging wells of PRAYER in our lives, homes, and our church” through this season of Advent and on into 2024.

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
