Follow Jesus

Our greatest desire is that you begin well. We want to you see you start your faith journey in a way that will set your feet on a solid path to knowing Jesus, the One who deeply loves you. We have put together this online course just for you to begin your life with Jesus, to love and be loved by Him and transformed through His resurrection life.

Living Waters Rogue Valley · September 18, 2022

If you are reading this, you are most likely beginning your spiritual journey of following Jesus, or you are in the process of exploring faith and what it means to be a Christ follower.

Where ever you find yourself, we we want to do everything possible to help you get to know Jesus!

There are several resources to help you move forward in this journey.

Connect – Let us know you’re here! We’d love to connect with you if you’d like. Click here to fill out our online connect card.

Get a Bible – One of the best ways to grow in a relationship with God is by reading the Bible. The Bible is His written word to mankind, and is full of history, poetry, prophecy and the story of Jesus, all given to help us know God and thrive in a relationship with Him. If you want to know more about the Bible watch this video, and if you need a Bible, we can get you one at the end of this quest.

Discipleship Groups – We all grow better when we are connected in healthy relationships! We’d love to help you find friends and build relationships with people who are following Jesus right along with you! Click here to join a group.

Resources – We will provide you with a variety of resources to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. Follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on available groups and classes.

Take the Next Step – Connect with us, then follow the quest below, watch the videos, and check back in with us afterward! We’d love to hear from you and pray with you as you begin your new life with Jesus.

About Instructor

+514 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons