This was supposed to be a little more negative space project… I need to use less colorful pain next time ;)

A New Emotional Operating System

As I shared on Sunday, one of the most critical moves toward Spiritual Life and growth in Jesus will be our willingness to engage in the emotional health journey. Inviting God to show us why we feel what we feel and how we act on or out of those feelings is revelatory to understanding ourselves and the work of sanctification that God is up to!

Our emotional responses can be a leftover operating system from our upbringing and experiences that pre-determines many of our feelings, behaviors, and struggles! When we come to Jesus, we are set free and made new, but it doesn’t rewrite our emotional operating system!

Jesus taught his followers that the system (old wineskins) of Old Covenant Judaism they were familiar with wouldn’t be able to contain the fresh wine (outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh in Acts 2). He even said the new outpouring would destroy the old system if they tried.

In the same way, we believe that God wants to give us a new emotional wineskin to contain and flow with the work of His Spirit and the fresh outpouring He has for us personally and corporately. What God is doing in and through us can be inhibited as we cling to old emotional beliefs, responses, and limitations.

Question: God is doing a new thing. Is my emotional health ready to contain it? Or am I operating with an old emotional wineskin?

If you missed my message on Sunday on this topic, please check it out here.

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