Rebuilding Hope: A Journey of Restoration in Jamaica
I spent time in Treasure Beach, Jamaica, from September 2nd to the 19th, visiting and assessing the devastation caused by the storm on July 3rd. The storm was the most brutal any of the locals had ever experienced, with 500 to 1,000 homes damaged. It was a powerful display of God’s nature, showing both His almighty power and His mercy—despite the destruction, no one in the area was killed or even hurt.

Rebuilding Efforts
Thanks to the funds provided by God through you and me, we were able to assist many families with the materials they needed to rebuild. Here are some of the key contributions:
- Grocery Shop: A roadside grocery shop was flattened, and they were rebuilding with cement. We provided the rebar and cement needed to construct the roof.
- Home Repairs: One friend’s backdoor was ripped off, and they lost some metal roofing. We helped with those repairs and the labor needed.
- Church Repairs: The church needed roofing repairs, and we contributed funds toward enclosing the eaves.
- Smoothie Stand: Next to the church, a neighbor’s smoothie stand was demolished. We donated funds to help rebuild their livelihood.
- House Top Replacement: One family lost their entire house top. Our love gift covered the installation of new electrical wiring for their home.

Impact and Gratitude
In total, we were able to share and bless 19 different people and families, distributing over $6,000 from God’s helps ministry fund. God opened the doors for many meaningful conversations about life and faith, both at my house, on job sites, and while riding around on my bicycle. Throughout it all, I made sure to give God the praise and glory for life and restoration. Thank you very much for your support.