Handing out Jesse’s Burritos
Some things we do are just hard to stomach. Not because we have any hard feelings against people, but because of the emotions that come up when we help those who are in a much tougher spot than we are.
On January 27, there was a nationwide count of the houseless (or unhoused) population. This event, held across the country, helps determine next year’s budget and the level of support for our neighbors in need. In Jackson County, the count was chaired by Access. They set up an event in Hawthorne Park as a kickoff to gather as many houseless individuals as possible and will be following up in other parts of the county to complete the count.
Also at Hawthorne Park, several other organizations were present—one even handing out free cell phones, which turned out to be a hugely popular giveaway!
As part of the LW ministry to the houseless, we were right there too. We handed out Jesse’s Famous Burritos, provided clothing, and shared the love and acceptance that comes from God’s heart. There were four of us on the “hands” team of the ministry that day.
First, let’s talk about Jesse’s Burritos. EVERYONE knows Jesse and his burritos—just mentioning that you’re with Jesse gives you instant credibility. He cooked up a couple hundred burritos, and as people came by our table, we handed them out with gratitude. It was truly awesome to see how the support from the LW community translated into real, tangible, and deeply appreciated love.
Now for the heartbreaking part: among the approximately 150 single individuals, there were also a couple of families with small kids. It was incredibly moving to offer food and clothing and then connect them with Access and others who could help secure them a safe home with four walls to live in.
So, does our support of this LW ministry make a difference? YES, YES, YES.
Taking our commitment a step further, we at LW also assemble CARE packages filled with hats, gloves, hand warmers, toiletries, protein bars, and, most importantly, cards of encouragement and blessing. A huge thank you to everyone who purchased items from the Amazon list. The next step is to assemble these packages and deliver them to those who need them most. THANK YOU!
Making a big impact…even in small ways. Thanks for sharing this Dale! Thanks to those who went out there to help Jesse!