Soak in Gratitude and Wonder

If you missed the service this past Sunday (go listen because it was AMAZING) I wanted to fill you in on the story Ryan shared concerning our finances. 

A while back, Ryan and Andy applied for an IRS Employee Tax Credit. This was a program meant to support those who were able to retain all employees throughout COVID, and we did! We had hoped for, but not banked on, getting some funds and using them to sustain us in the low giving months, but had no idea when/if that would happen. After struggling through July and ending with a scary low, this month the US Government sent us several checks, ultimately totaling over $150,000.000!!!

I’ve been reading 1 Corinthians 8:1-7 over and over this week and continually thanking God for this miracle, provision, gift, expression of love, tangible deposit into the kingdom, wild generosity, extravagant surprise…or however you want to try and put words to it!

Verses 2-5 are a testimony to the church family, and the staff who serve here. 

“Out of the most severe trial (yes, that’s exactly what the entire COVID season has been), their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they we able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in their service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.”

Our church family GAVE. When people were losing jobs and homes and the fire ripped through the valley and we were strapped with homeschooling and grief and confusion, our family welled up with rich generosity, beyond their ability, to share in the kingdom with one another.  This was not expected! It was because they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us.

The staff GAVE. When we had to shut down and then be online and then meet outside and then keep distance and masks or not and all the requirements and regulations, on top of their own personal journeys, our staff welled up with rich generosity to continue serving with creativity and dedication. It was beyond their ability as they walked through brand new territory and plowed a path in unknown terrain. This was not expected! It was because they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us as a church body.

It doesn’t always happen in this overt of a manner, but it’s the sowing and reaping right before our eyes. We sowed into the staff, they sowed into us, and we are reaping a beautiful bounty in this financial provision.

This week let’s allow ourselves to soak in gratitude and wonder. Remembering is a huge part of worship. When Ezra and Nehemiah bring the remnant of Israelites back to Jerusalem, they have a party so they can remind everyone of where they’ve been, what they’ve been through, who they are, and how all of that reveals the God who loves them. This is a pause moment to do just that in our own hearts and as a team.

The Leadership Council would love prayer support as we steward this gift. Our heart is to celebrate this staff that sowed so faithfully, to keep our hearts set on the building renovation, to make investments into productive projects, and to reciprocate worship in our own great generosity by giving with overflowing joy.

Thank you for your participation and partnership in all of this! Our prayer team specifically sought after God to meet a need and what a delight to be witnesses together!

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