The Influence of the Kingdom on Downtown Medford
Downtown Medford Association has asked us to participate in a short survey to help envision the future of Downtown Medford. As disciples of Jesus and ambassadors of the Kingdom, what a great opportunity to bring the influence of the King using our collective voice to serve our neighborhood. Take the survey here.
The City of Medford is developing a 20-year vision for Downtown that identifies opportunities to:
- Increase housing options for all;
- Foster business retention and growth;
- Make downtown a safe, convenient place to walk and bike; and
- Promote a vibrant sense of place.
The Medford Downtown 2040 Plan will guide development over the next 20 years to advance community goals… and they need your help!
This is not a typical survey. After answering questions about different elements relating to Downtown you will be invited to participate in an interactive mapping activity at the end of the survey to provide more specific feedback about where improvements are needed in Downtown. The purpose of this survey is to gain feedback on the draft downtown vision and goals, identify opportunity and issue areas, and suggest a range of potential improvements for the project area. Feedback from this survey will help the Project Team respond to the community’s vision for the future of Downtown Medford.