Fill Us Up, Send Us Out
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Hey church!
As we have journeyed through Acts, the Lord has led me (Ryan) to write a prayer (based on Acts 4) for us as a church. We want to share it with you and ask you to copy it, print it, or write it somewhere and incorporate it into your daily prayer life.
With all the difficulty we are traversing, I’m believing that this is a prayer that will guide us forward and stir up and hunger and willingness to walk even more boldly in our identity as a local church family!
“In our times of trouble, we call on You, God above all things. You created the heavens and the earth and everything in them.
The nations may rage, and the kings of this earth band together against you Jesus, but we remember that they plot in vain!
You know every threat we face – You know what stands AGAINST YOUR LOVE AND YOUR GOOD NEWS going out to the LOST AND HURTING. Enable us to speak Your story with great boldness.
Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through Your name, Jesus. We are your body, your hands, your eyes, your ears, your feet to “go into this world.”
Fill us up, send us out!
Shake this place. Shake our lives. Shake our church. Shake our city – until all that remains is You and what is eternal – until our focus is off of what is happening to us and on what you are doing THROUGH us.
FILL US WITH YOUR Spirit that we MAY SPEAK THE WORDS, YOUR WORDS, that people desperately need to hear, boldly and in a way that PIERCES THEIR HEARTS and REDEEMS THEIR LIVES and RECONCILES THEM TO YOU!”
Ryan & Kate