white and blue ocean waves

Another Wave

God recently gave me an opportunity to do something I had been praying for but I got nervous and didn’t take it. That night I was talking to God about how frustrated I was that I missed it and began to think about other opportunities I had let pass me by.  He said: “Peter, you were made for the seas. Don’t be afraid to take this wave, you’ve got this, I’m with you. If you don’t catch this one I’ll send another one, and another one…I’m the God of second chances.”  The next day I got the same opportunity and took it!

As I processed this I realized I had been believing the lie that I really only get one shot at some things in life and if I miss it, well, that’s it.  But the truth is the bible is FULL of people God gave second chances too…King David, Peter, Jonah, Paul…the list goes on.  He is so much more invested in our dreams and desires than we know and will do whatever it takes to help us see those fulfilled.

I shared this “wave analogy” at our last staff retreat and Kim (who never remembers her dreams) had a dream the night before that my younger 9 year old self was teaching me how to surf. I cried when I heard this because I know that little me well. He’s wild, playful, adventurous and brave.  It was such a beautiful picture of what God has been doing in my heart: breathing hope and courage into the areas of my life I have felt a little beat down by the waves of life. 

Opportunities, like waves, can be exciting or scary. I recently went surfing in Puerto Rico and it was little of both since I’m still learning.  But it’s wild how just leaning into the wave a little can determine if you are going to catch it or not.  What’s also wild is that challenge and threat are actually experienced the same way in our nervous system. It’s how we frame it in our minds that determines how we experience it in the moment.  I think about this often when I’m facing something challenging… “Just lean in Pete” I tell myself. 

“Don’t be afraid” is one of the most repeated phrases in the bible. If you have lived a few years of life, you understand why.  Life can be scary, uncertain and painful but also exciting, beautiful and fulfilling. The more we learn to “lean in” like Joshua did after exploring the promised land despite the giants they were facing, the more we will experience the latter, our promised land. 

If this resonates with you I want to encourage you to ask God:  “Is there an area in my life I feel like I have ‘missed it,’ been discouraged to try again and am believing the lie that you won’t give me a second chance?” This could be anything… a business opportunity, a failed marriage, broken relationship with a child, a hard conversation you’ve been avoiding…etc.

Then listen and journal what He says and let Him breathe hope and courage into those places in your life.

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