It’s Summer Camp Season

It’s SUMMER CAMP SEASON! Over the past few months our team has been busy prepping and planning for all things CAMP!! From 3rd grade to high school, the kids of our community are heading into days filled with laughter, new friendships, fun activities and powerful moments with Jesus.

Every conversation we have about camp and every detail we finalize bring with it a flood of memories and emotions of my own camp experiences.

Memories of being a camper, a cabin leader, a girls dean, an assistant director and directing camps make up thousands of moments of my life. Summer after summer as students and leaders gathered together with our hearts set on Jesus, my own story with Jesus was being filled with encounters and truths that have led me to who I am today.

This summer is another opportunity for continued impact as we send our own boys to camp! I did AND said all the typical mom things as they headed out the door: “remember to shower at least once”, “brush your teeth at least three times”, “be the leader that you are”, and when they had finished rolling their eyes I held them one more time and felt Jesus remind my heart that He will meet them, just as He met me!

Over the next two weeks, pray with us as almost 70 of our students attend camp! We may not hear every detail of every story once they get home, but we fully believe Jesus is making Himself known to their hearts in the days at camp!

As a leader, but also as a mom, I wanted to thank you, our community, for showing up and giving SO generously to get our kids to camp. You have eaten tacos, bought cookies, bid on bacon, and given so willingly to make these life changing experiences possible.

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